Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Creative Intelligence

Innovative ideas require today an enormously high level of creativity. While in times, past raw materials and physical labor were particularly in demand, today it are in an ever-increasing extent useful and above all, original ideas.

Of course, this fact is also recognized by big businesses and large corporations such as Google and Apple, and so they set out specifically to look for creative minds that harbor new innovative ideas. For the economy, these people are estimated as a very valuable asset. So once, one of the leading oil companies in the United States of America asserted, that it is quite obviously that some employees of the ​​research and development team lacks in the necessary creativity. Then the company's management instructed a team of psychologists to find out what the differentiates between the creative and the uncreative staffs are. After three months of an intensive analysis of the staff team, the psychologists finally came to a conclusion. The difference between the creative and the uncreative staff was quite simply the fact, that the creatives appraised themselves as creative what the uncreative again did not. No, it's not a joke. For this insight, the team of psychologists needed actually felled three months. It is, as you already know from the first volume of the Science of Mindleading, of crucial importance what mental image you have of yourself. Indeed, it is precisely this mental image of yourself, whose form you will adopt in the course of time in the real world. Everything you are today, is the result of what you have previously thought, and everything you will be in the future, is in turn the result of what you think today. For that reason, be always aware that even you have a creative potential.

But what is it actually, this creativity, it apparently pays off to seek for? The concept of creativity is, like the concept of intelligence, only very difficult to grasp, and hence also for this theoretical construct, there is no clear definition of universal validation. However, the essential and characteristic features of creativity can be summarized in one short sentence as follows: Creativity is about creating something new, that is useful for society, in an original and unusual way. The created is therefore something previously unprecedented, that adds for other people any value. Without this creative urge to create, a further development, such as in art, architecture, cuisine or the art, would not be even possible. An entrepreneurial renewal strategy therefore requires a combination of logical and creative thinking. In the creation of something novel, however, creativity is no divine inspiration of short duration, but it extends in a more protracted process. Only in this protracted process, which requires an unremitting perseverance, the creator is put in a position where he is able to create something truly original. Of course, this process may be interrupted by the one or the other creative break, a more or less long interruption in which the recovery of the mind and a restoration of the creative forces occurs. The creative process of creation can be divided into four different phases, that proceed smoothly into each other. These phases can not only consciously but also unconsciously be used for the systematic solution of unknown tasks, according to the observations of the German physiologist Hermann von Helmholtz and the French mathematician Henri Poincaré.

This was a reading excerpt from the popular science book "The Science of Mindleading Volume 2 The Intelligence". This book will tell you more about the four phases of the creative creation process.

Today, standardized intelligence tests decide on the educational, the academic and the professional future of millions of people in many countries. They decide on the inclusion in special education programs for gifted children, on the award of grants to higher education institutions, on the setting in a company or on the targeted use of recruits in the military.

The intelligence characterizes a people more than any other personality trait. Get together with the Science of Mindleading to the bottom of the cognitive performance. Is it possible to improve your intelligence, perhaps even at an advanced age? This book will tell you.

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